Drum sorter (calibrator) - 4 sorts


Drum sorter (calibrator) - 4 sorts

Location:Siemyśl, Poland


Drum sorter (calibrator) - 4 sorts Dimensions: - Total length - 3,800 mm; - Total width - 1,500 mm; - Total height - 1,950 mm. Drum dimensions: - Length - 2,900 mm; - Diameter - 850 mm. Hopper dimensions: - Height for charging - 1,930 mm; - Hopper width - 670 mm. Discharge dimensions: - Height for discharge - 660 mm; - Dump width - 220 mm. Calibration dimensions: - 1st sort - Ø 20 mm; - 2nd sort - Ø 25 mm; - 3rd sort - Ø 45 mm; - 4th sort - over the dimension of Ø 45 mm. Technical data: - Drum drive - gear motor; - Gear type - 60NERM3; - Gear number - 310001; - Gear rotation - 35.5 U/min; - Construction - made of stainless steel; - Drum - KO + plastic.


Stock Number219.8