Used Blanszownik bębnowy, parowy "TEN BRINK"- nierdzewny

Drum steam blancher "TEN BRINK" - stainless steel

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Drum steam blancher "TEN BRINK" - stainless steel Overall dimensions: * Length: 3,800 mm; * Width...


Used Osuszacz wentylatorowy - nierdzewny

Fan dryer - stainless steel

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Fan dryer - stainless steel The device is used to dry products after blanching, with air forced b...


Used Blanszownik bębnowy Herbort

Drum blancher Herbort

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Drum blancher "Herbort" Overall dimensions: - Length - 4,000 mm; - Width - 2,100 mm; - Height - ...


Used Mikser do pektyny itp. z płaszczem do podgrzewania lub chłodzenia "Hellmich"

Mixer for pectin etc. with heating or cooling jacket "Hellmich"

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Mixer for pectin etc. with jacket for heating or cooling "Hellmich" Overall dimensions: * Height:...


Used Zespół do ciśnieniowego oparzania naskórka warzyw okopowych – KOMEN KUIN

Team for pressure scalding of the epidermis of root vegetables – KOMEN KUIN

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Team for pressure scalding of the epidermis of root vegetables – KOMEN KUIN Dimensions: - Total ...


Used Zespół do ciśnieniowego oparzania naskórka warzyw okopowych

A unit for pressure scalding of root vegetable epidermis

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A unit for pressure scalding of root vegetable skin Dimensions: * Total length –10,000 mm; * Tota...


Used Ciśnieniowy zespół do oparzania warzyw okopowych - Universal 600 firmy Paul Kuntz CO GmbH

A unit for pressure scalding of the epidermis of root vegetables - Universal 600 by Paul Kuntz CO GmbH

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Team for pressure scalding of the epidermis of root vegetables - Universal 600 from Paul Kuntz CO...


Used Plastrownica JAM

JAM slicer

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JAM slicer Dimensions: - Length – 2,930 mm; - Width – 850 mm; - Height – 1,425 ± 50 mm. Technical...


Used Rozparzacz ślimakowy "MANZINI" do rozparzania rozdrobnionych owoców i warzyw

"MANZINI" screw steamer for steaming crushed fruit and vegetables

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Screw infuser "MANZINI" for steaming crushed fruit and vegetables Dimensions: - Length - 5.500 mm...


Used Krajalnica do ogórków, rabarbaru, pory itp. - Typ "GS"

Slicer - Type "GS"

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Slicer - Type "GS" Cuts into 14 mm thick slices or multiples of 14 mm. It has a movable conveyor...


Used Plastrownica HERBORT

HERBORT slicer

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HERBORT slicer Dimensions: * Length – 2,840 mm; * Width – 1,030 mm; * Height – 1,400 mm; Technica...


Used Myjka wodno-powietrzna - nierdzewna

Water and air washer - stainless

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Dimensions: * Total length - 3,510 mm; * Total width - 1,700 mm; * Total height - 2,090 mm Techni...


Used Rozrywarka (deklaster) kiści fasoli - "Jorgensen"

Bean bunch splitter (decluster) - "Jorgensen"

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Bean bunch splitter (decluster) - "Jorgensen" Dimensions: * Length - 3,600 mm; * Width - 1,800 mm...


Used Walcowa drylownica do owoców pestkowych

Stone fruit cylindrical drill

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Dimensions: * Length - 1.600 mm; * Width - 1.100 mm; * Height - 1.520 mm. Technical data: * Nee...


Used Myjka szczotkowa MEGA

Brush washer MEGA

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MEGA brush washer Dimensions: - Length – 1,960 mm; - Width – 1,660 mm; - Height – 1,330 mm. Techn...


Used Nierdzewna myjka bębnowa

Stainless steel drum washer

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Stainless steel drum washer Dimensions: - Total length - 3,250 mm; - Total width - 1,100 mm; - To...


Used Homogenizator "Rannie" Homo - Mic

Homogenizer "Rannie" Homo - Mic

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Homogenizer "Rannie" Homo - Mic Dimensions: - Length - 1.380mm; - Width - 860mm; - Height - 1.200...


Used Blanszownik bębnowy wodny "Mather & Platt"

Water drum blancher "Mather & Platt"

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Water drum blancher "Mather & Platt" company Dimensions: * Total length - 5,100 mm; * Total width...


Used Płuczko-separator do zielonego groszku

Wash-separator (flotation scrubber) for green peas "Herbort"

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Washer-separator (flotation scrubber) for green peas "Herbort" Dimensions: * Length – 4,450 mm; *...


Used Krajalnica wodna do pieczarek "Unimasz Juszczuk"

Water slicer for mushrooms "Unimasz Juszczuk"

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Water slicer for mushrooms "Unimasz Juszczuk" Dimensions: * Length - 3,000mm; * Width - 1,700mm; ...


Used Obcinarka końcówek fasoli szparagowej ,,Jorgensen"

"Jorgensen" bean snipper

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"Jorgensen" string bean cutter Dimensions: - Length: 3,000 mm; - Width: 1,700 mm; - Height: 2,300...


Used Obcinarka końców fasoli - "Femia"

Bean snipper - "Femia"

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Bean end cutter - "Femia" Dimensions: * Length: 3.080 mm; * Width: 1.100 mm; * Height: 2,000 mm. ...


Used Separator nieobciętych końców fasoli "Herbort"

Unsnipped bean remover "Herbort"

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Separator of uncut ends of beans "Herbort" Dimensions: * Total length - 4,500 mm; * Total width -...


Used Separator nieobciętych końców fasoli

Unsnipped bean remover

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Separator of uncut ends of beans Dimensions: * Length - 3.100mm; * Width - 1.400mm; * Height - 2....


Used Sortownik bębnowy na dwa sorty z zabezpieczającą osłoną siatkową

Two sort drum sorter with protective mesh cover and two replaceable drums

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Drum sorter for two sorts with a protective cover mesh and two replaceable drums Dimensions: - Le...


Used Separator wibracyjny „Femia” z sitem oczkowym dolnym i sitem prętowym górnym oraz wanną na zanieczyszczenia- nierdzewny

"Femia" washer - vibrating separator with a work table and a slotted sieve in the floor and an additional bar sieve - stainless

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The "Femia" vibrating washer and separator with a work table and a slotted sieve in the floor and...


Used Drylownica do czereśni i wiśni "DUNKLEY" USA

DUNKLEY USA "DUNKLEY" cherries and cherries pitting machine

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"DUNKLEY" USA cherries and cherries stoner Dimensions: - Length - 1,010mm; - Width - 1,160mm; - H...


Used Homogenizator Rannie Homo-Mic

Rannie Homo-Mic Homogenizer

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"Rannie" Homo-Mic homogenizer Dimensions: - Length - 1.600mm; - Width - 830mm; - Height - 1.600 m...


Used Selective conveyor (transporter) with a roller belt for vegetables and fruits

Selective conveyor (transporter) with a roller belt for vegetables and fruits

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Selective conveyor (transporter) with a belt roller for vegetables and fruits Dimensions: * Leng...


Used Rozbrylacz do owoców i warzyw na taśmie w trakcie zamrażania w tunelu fluidyzacyjnego, całkowicie nierdzewny

Fruit and vegetable burster on the belt during freezing in the fluidization tunnel, completely stainless

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Fruit and vegetable burster on the belt in progress freezing in a fluidized bed tunnel, completel...


Used Zespół rozdrabniający

Shredding unit

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Shredding unit The team consists of: - J-type chopper; - Baths for a fragmented product; - The su...


Used Przenośnik wibracyjny z ociekiem

Femia vibrating conveyor (transporter)

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Femia vibrating conveyor (transporter) Dimensions: * Total length - 3.430 mm; * Total width - 84...


Used Napełniarka narzutowa do warzyw i owoców

Overhead filling machine for vegetables and fruits

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Dimensions: * Length - 1,920mm; * Width - 1,290mm; * Height - 1,700mm. Technical data: * Sie...


Used Napełniarka narzutowa do warzyw i owoców

Overhead filling machine for vegetables and fruits

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Overhead filling machine for vegetables and fruits Dimensions * total length - 1,400 mm; * total ...


Used Schładzalnik Kiremko

Chiller Kiremko

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Kiremko chiller Dimensions: - Length - 5,100mm; - Width - 2,000mm; - Height - 2,300mm. Technical ...




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Kiremko blancher Dimensions: - Length - 6,200mm; - Width - 2,100mm; - Height - 2,400mm. Technical...


Used Krajalnica warzyw na połówki

Vegetable cutter into halves

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Vegetable cutter into halves Dimensions: - Length - 400 mm; - Width - 500 mm; - Height - 900 mm. ...


Used Krajalnica fasoli szparagowej "HERBORT"

Green bean slicer "JORGENSEN"

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Green bean slicer "JORGENSEN" Dimensions: - Length - 1,280 mm; - Width - 1,150 mm; - Height - 1,9...


Used Stół wibracyjny - dozownik produktu na odbiornik ( przenośnik) o szerokości min. 600  mm - "CABINPLANT"

Vibrating table - product dispenser on the receiver (conveyor) with a width of min. 600mm - "CABINPLANT"

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Vibrating table - product dispenser on the receiver (conveyor) with a width of min. 600mm - "CABI...


Used Rynna (podajnik) wibracyjna ze szczeliną sortująco-ociekową

Vibrating chute (feeder) with a sorting and dripping slot

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A vibrating chute (feeder) with a sorting and dripping slot Dimensions: * Length - 2.300mm; * Wid...


Used Vibrating feeder for even distribution of the product on the belt, e.g. (freezing tunnel)

Vibrating feeder for even distribution of the product on the belt, e.g. (freezing tunnel)

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Vibrating feeder for even spreading product on a belt, e.g. (freezing tunnel) Dimensions: * Total...


Used Wibracyjny podajnik do równomiernego rozkładania produktu na taśmę np. tunelu zamrażalniczego z sitem separacyjnym do odsiewu kruszu

Vibrating feeder for even distribution of the product on the belt, e.g. a freezing tunnel with a separation screen for crushing

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Vibrating feeder for even spreading product onto a belt (e.g. freezer tunnel) z separation screen...


Used Wibracyjny podajnik do równomiernego rozkładania produktu na taśmę ( np. tunelu zamrażalniczego) z sitem separacyjnym do odsiewu kruszu

Vibrating feeder for even distribution of the product on the belt (e.g. freezing tunnel) with a separation screen for crushing

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Vibrating feeder for even spreading product onto a belt (e.g. freezer tunnel) z separation screen...


Used Przenośnik wibracyjny( rynna) do wmontowania w konstrukcję nośną

Vibration conveyor (trough) to be mounted in the supporting structure

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Vibrating conveyor (trough) to installed in the supporting structure Dimensions: * Length - 1.720...


Used Myjka wodno-powietrzna ze stołem selekcyjnym TEN BRINK

Water and air washer with TEN BRINK selection table

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Dimensions: * Length - 8,500mm; * Width - 1,460mm; * Height - 1,880mm. Washing section: * Interna...


Used Urządzenie do przekrajania (krajalnica) papryki na pół

A device for cutting (slicing) peppers in half

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The device is used to cut peppers into two parts. Dimensions: * Length - 3,010mm; * Width - 1,020...


Used Mill for grains and dry spices - non-oily

Mill for grains and dry spices - non-oily

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Dimensions: - Length - 1.200 mm; - width - 1.050 mm; - Height - 1.400 mm. Technical data: - Drive...


Used Dozownica kranowa, kruzelowa, próżniowa do cieczy, musów i przecierów, Holandia

Faucet dispenser, carousel, vacuum for liquids, mousses and purees, the Netherlands

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Tap, carousel, vacuum dispenser for liquids, mousses and purees, the Netherlands. It dispenses ...


Used Naważarka do naważania produktów świeżych lub mrożonych w worki lub kartony z zasobnikiem wibracyjnym dwuścieżkowym. Zakres naważania do 30 kg.

Weighing machine for weighing fresh or frozen products into bags or cartons with a two-track vibrating container. Weighing range up to 30 kg.

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Weighing device for weighing fresh or frozen products in bags or cartons with a two-track vibrati...


Used Blanszownik taśmowy wodno-parowy "Turatti"

Blancher - belt water-steam pasteurizer "Turatti"

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Blancher - belt water-steam pasteurizer "Turatti" Dimensions: - Overall length: 18,300 mm; - Tota...
