Used Wanna nierdzewna z dnem kolebowym, z płaszczem grzejnym lub chłodzącym, zewnętrznie lakierowanym

Stainless steel bathtub with a rocking bottom, with a heating or cooling jacket, externally painted

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Stainless steel tub with a rocking bottom, with a heating or cooling jacket, externally painted O...


Used Wanny z dnem kolebowym - lakierowane, nierdzewne

Bathtub with a barrel bottom - stainless steel, single-wall

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Bathtub with a barrel bottom - stainless steel, single-wall Dimensions: - Length - 3,640 mm; - Wi...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny pionowy z nagrzewnicą poddenicową denicy, pojemność 11.000 l

Vertical stainless steel tank with an under-bottom heater

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Vertical stainless steel tank with an under-bottom heater, capacity 11,000 l Dimensions: - Diamet...


Used Zbiornik magazynowo – procesowy, z mieszadłem, poj. 1.300 l

Storage and process tank, with mixer, capacity 1,300 l

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Storage and process tank, with agitator, capacity 1,300 l Overall dimensions: * Diameter - Ø 1,33...


Used Zbiornik magazynowo – procesowy, trzypłaszczowy z mieszadłem ramowym wolnoobrotowym, poj. 3.500 l, nierdzewny

Storage and process tank, three-jacket with a low-speed frame mixer, capacity 3,500 l, stainless steel

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Storage and process tank, three-shell with frame mixer, slow-speed, capacity 3,500 l, stainless ...


Used Zbiornik sprężonego powietrza, 4000 l

Compressed air tank, 4000 l

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Compressed air tank, capacity 4000 l Overall dimensions: - Height – 3,500 mm; - Diameter – 1,400 ...


Used Zbiornik z mieszadłem i płaszczem grzejnym/chłodzącym, izolowany

Tank with agitator and heating/cooling jacket, insulated, capacity 5,600 l

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Tank with mixer and heating/cooling jacket, insulated, capacity 5,600 l Overall dimensions: * To...


Used Zbiornik magazynowo - procesowy z pokrywą i płaszczem grzewczym/chłodzącym - nierdzewny

Storage and process tank with a cover and a heating / cooling jacket - stainless, capacity 290 l

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Storage and process tank with a lid and a heating / cooling jacket - stainless, capacity 290 l Di...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny z mieszadłem properelowym (śmigiełkowym), pojemność 1.900 l

Stainless steel tank with properel (propeller) mixer, capacity 1,900 l

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Stainless steel tank with properel (propeller) mixer, capacity 1,900 l Dimensions: - Total height...


Used Zbiornik magazynowo - procesowy otwarty, z wężownicą - nierdzewny

Open storage and process tank with a coil - stainless steel, capacity 610 l

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Open storage and process tank with a coil - stainless steel, capacity 610 l Dimensions: - Overall...


Used Zbiornik magazynowy otwarty - nierdzewny

Open storage tank - stainless, capacity 321 l

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Open storage tank - stainless, capacity 321 l Dimensions: - Overall width: 1,120 mm; - Overall he...


Used Zbiornik magazynowy otwarty - nierdzewny

Open storage tank - stainless, capacity 570 l

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Open storage tank - stainless, capacity 570 l Dimensions: - Overall width: 1,040 mm; - Total heig...


Used Zbiornik z mieszadłem ramowym i płaszczem do chłodzenia i podgrzania poj. 1.800 l

Tank with a frame agitator and a jacket for cooling and heating the capacity. 1,800 l

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Tank with a frame agitator and a jacket for cooling and heating the capacity. 1,800 l Dimensions...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny z mieszadłem properelowym (śmigiełkowym) i płaszczem do ochładzania lub podgrzewania oraz wspawanymi widelcami przyspieszającymi mieszanie, pojemność 1.900 l

Stainless steel tank with properel (propeller) mixer and jacket for cooling or heating and welded forks to speed up mixing, capacity 1,900 l

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Stainless steel tank with properel (propeller) mixer and jacket for cooling or heating and welded...


Used Beczkowóz na wodę pitną

Water tanker for drinking water, capacity 1,200 l

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Water tanker for drinking water Dimensions: * Length – 3,000 mm; * Width – 1,700 mm; * Height – 2...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny, jednopłaszczowy, prostokątny, dwudzielny, 2x800l

Stainless steel tank, single-wall, rectangular, two-part, 2x800l

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Stainless steel tank, single-wall, rectangular, two-part, 2 x 800 l Dimensions: * Length - 2.100 ...


Used Zbiornik magazynowy Bertuzzi - 2250 l - nierdzewny

Bertuzzi storage tank - 2250 l - stainless

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Bertuzzi storage tank - 2250 l - stainless Dimensions: - Total width – 1,350 mm; - Total height –...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny, jednopłaszczowy z mieszadłem, poj. 4.000l

Stainless steel, single-wall tank with a mixer, capacity 4,000l

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Stainless steel, single-wall tank with a mixer, capacity 4,000l Dimensions: - Cross-section - Ø 1...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny, pojemność 750 l

Stainless steel tank, capacity 750 l

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Dimensions: * Total height – 1,500 mm, * Diameter – 1,000 mm. Technical data: * Depth – 1,000 mm;...


Used Nierdzewny zbiornik wody 1.500 l

1.800 l stainless steel tank

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1.800 l stainless steel tank Dimensions: - Producer: "Obram Sp.z o.o.", Olsztyn; - Outer diameter...


Used Zbiornik z dnem stożkowym, jednopłaszczowy, na trzech nogach ze stali kwasoodpornej, pojemność 2.300 l

Tank with a conical bottom, single-jacket, on three legs made of stainless steel, capacity 2,300 l

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A tank with a conical bottom, single-jacket, on three stainless steel legs, capacity 2,300 l Di...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny, jednopłaszczowy z mieszadłem, poj. 2.500l

Stainless steel tank, single-wall, capacity 3,000l

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Stainless steel tank, single-wall, capacity 3,000 liters Dimensions: - Total cross-section - Ø 1,...


Used  Zbiorniki stożkowe do substancji sypkich ze ślimakiem

Double conical tank for bulk substances with a screw and pneumatic valves

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Dimensions: * Total height – 1,570 mm; * Total width – 1,350 mm; * Total length – 2,440 mm. Techn...


Used Zbiornik poziomy typ FK-40, pojemność 4.000 l, w całości nierdzewny

Horizontal tank, stainless steel, type FK-40, capacity 4,000 l, with mixer, insulating layer and external stainless jacket,

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Horizontal tank, stainless steel, type FK-40, capacity 4,000 l, with mixer, insulating layer and...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny z mieszadłem, poj. 1.500 l

Stainless steel tank with mixer, capacity 1,500 liters

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Stainless steel tank with mixer capacity 1,500 liters Dimensions: * Height – 2,400 mm; * Diameter...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny z mieszadłem, poj. 1.700 l

Stainless steel tank with mixer, capacity 1,700 l

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Stainless steel tank with mixer capacity 1,700 l Dimensions: * Height – 2,500 mm; * Diameter – 1...


Used Zbiornik procesowy 200 l

Process tank 200 l

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Process tank 200 l Dimensions: - Diameter - Ø 1,200 mm; - Height - 1,100 mm. Technical data: - Ca...


Used Zbiornik procesowy 100 l

Process tank 100 l

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Process tank 100 l Dimensions: - Diameter - Ø 770 mm; - Total height - 1,100 mm. Internal dimensi...


Used Zbiornik procesowy 1000 l

Process tank 1,000 l

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Process tank 1,000 l Dimensions: - Tank diameter - 1,500 mm; - Height - 2,250 mm. Internal dimen...


Used zbiornik procesowy 350 l

Process tank 350 l

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Process tank 350 l Dimensions: - Tank diameter - 1,300 mm; - Height - 1,400 mm; - Depth - 600 mm....


Used Process tank, 3,000 l capacity

Process tank, 3,000 l capacity

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Process tank, 3,000 liter capacity Dimensions: - Diameter - Ø 1,700 mm; - Height - 2,400 mm. Inte...


Used Zbiornik procesowy z mieszadłem "M 1000/2"

Process tank with agitator "M 1000/2"

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Process tank with agitator "M 1000/2" The queen cell is used for technological processes requirin...


Used Zbiorniki procesowe - "KDP-4 - KDP-8 - KDP-12"

Process tanks - "KDP-4 - KDP-8 - KDP-12"

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Process tanks- "KDP-4 - KDP-8 - KDP-12" Process tanks for long-term pasteurization intended are t...


Used Zbiorniki procesowe - "M100- M160- M300"

Process tanks - "M100- M160- M300"

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Process tanks- "M100- M160- M300" Process tanks are used for the production of leaven.


Used Wanna płaskodenna, nierdzewna z zewnętrznym płaszczem grzejnym, lakierowanym

Stainless steel flat-bottomed bathtub with an external painted heating mantle, capacity 6.000 l

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Stainless steel flat-bottomed bathtub with an external painted heating mantle, capacity 6,000 l ...


Used Zbiornik magazynowo – procesowy z mieszadłem ramowym wolnoobrotowym z płaszczem grzejno-oziębiającym z izolacją termiczną i płaszczem zewnętrznym.

Storage and process tank with jacket, thermal insulation and outer jacket, capacity 1,000 l.

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Dimensions: * Diameter - Ø 1,150 mm; * Total height 2,000 mm; Internal dimensions of the tank: * ...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny, jednopłaszczowy z mieszadłem, pojemność 9.000l

Stainless steel tank, single-jacket with a mixer, capacity 9,000l

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Stainless steel tank, single-jacket with a mixer, capacity 9,000l Dimensions: - Total cross-secti...


Used Zbiornik aluminiowy z rurowym wymiennikiem ciepła i pokrywą - 500 l

Aluminum tank with tubular heat exchanger and cover - 500 l

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Dimensions: * Length - 1100mm * Width - 940mm; * Height - 770mm. Technical data: * Internal dimen...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny z nagrzewnicą płytową - "Nagema", pojemność 1.000 l

Stainless steel tank with plate heater - "Nagema", capacity 1.000 l

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Dimensions: * Width - 950mm; * Length - 1310mm; * Height - 1200mm. Technical data: * Manufacturer...


Used Zbornik magazynowy otwarty, nierdzewny 1180 l

Open storage tank, stainless 1180 l

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Dimensions: * Length - 1,630mm; * Width - 990mm; * Height - 990mm. Technical data: * Internal dim...


Used Zbiornik magazynowo-procesowy poziomy, z płaszczem grzewczo/chłodzącym i mieszadłem, 5000 l - nierdzewny

Horizontal storage and process tank, with heating/cooling jacket and agitator, 5000 l - stainless

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Dimensions: * Length - 3,950mm; * Width - 1,800mm; * Height - 1,820mm. Technical data: * Manufact...


Used Wózek CIMBER 285 l z pokrywą, nierdzewny

CIMBER trolley 285 l with cover, stainless steel

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Dimensions: * Length - 850mm; * Width - 730mm; * Height - 880mm. Technical data: * Internal dimen...


Used Zbiornik 840 l, nierdzewny

Tank 840 l, stainless

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840 l tank, stainless Dimensions: - Length - 1,200 mm; - Width - 1,000 mm; - Height - 700 mm. Tec...


Used Zbiornik prostokątny, otwarty - nierdzewny

Rectangular open tank - stainless steel, capacity 800 l

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Rectangular, open stainless steel tank, capacity 800 l Dimensions: - Length - 1,170 mm; - Width ...


Used Zbiornik na nogach z pokrywą

Tank on legs with lid, volume 750 l

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Tank on legs with lid, volume 750 l Dimensions: - Length - 1,000 mm; - Width - 960 mm; - Depth - ...


Used Zbiornik nierdzewny, 2-grodziowy z pokrywą

Stainless, 2-compartment tank with cover, capacity 800 l

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Stainless, 2-compartment tank with a cover, capacity 800 l Dimensions: - Length - 1.400 mm; - Wid...


Used Aluminiowa wanna z hydraulicznie unoszonym koszem do rozmrażania bloków rybnych, mięsnych, itp.

Aluminum bathtub with a hydraulically lifted basket for defrosting fish and meat blocks, etc.

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Aluminum bathtub with hydraulically lifted basket for defrosting blocks of fish, meat, etc. The ...


Used Wanna aluminiowa

Aluminum bathtub

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Aluminum bathtub Dimensions: - Total length - 1,750 mm; - Total width - 600 mm; - Total height -...


Used Wanna aluminiowa na kółkach

Aluminum bathtub on wheels

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Aluminum tub on wheels Dimensions: - Total length 1,100 mm; - Total width - 600 mm; - Total heigh...


Used Zbiornik peklowniczy "MWD 20.24"

Pickling tank "MWD 20.24", capacity 500 l

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Pickling tank "MWD 20.24", capacity 500 l The tank is designed for wet curing of products meat. C...
