Fat pump

Fat pump

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Location:Siemyśl, Poland


Fat pump Pump technical data: - Purpose - hot fat pumping (drive is separated from the pump,

preventing the drive from heating up by pumped raw material); - Producer - Tri-Clover PUMP - Ladish Co. Tri-Clover Division, USA; - Patent No.: 'S 3227086, 3481273, 3563571, 2780844; - Series number - K 3968; - Model No. - C 216 MF 18 T-S; - Inlet diameter - 50 mm; - Outlet diameter - 35 mm; - Pump inflow - forcing; - Capacity - ca. 225 GPM (Gallons Per Minute). Technical data of the drive: - Producer - Reliance Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; - Frame - 184TC; - Type - P; - Device number - P18G6038B DZ; - Power - 3 kW; - Turnover - 3.505 U/min; - Power - 230/460 V; - Current and frequency - 9.2/4.6 A/60 Hz; - 3 phases; - Project - B; - Code - K; - E-Z KLEEN RCP178.


ManufacturerTri-Clover PUMP – Ladish Co. Tri-Clover Division, USA
ModelTyp – P
Stock Number222.12