Contact freezing cabinet, plate - "KLIMOR"

Contact freezing cabinet, plate - "KLIMOR"

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Location:Siemyśl, Poland


Dimensions: * length - 2,400 mm; * width - 1.430 mm; * height - 2.300 mm. Technical data: * Manufacturer: KLIMOR Gdynia - Ship Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Plant; * 10 boards with dimensions - 1.440 mm x 1.100 mm; * refrigerant - R 717 to be plugged into the installation; * Type - ZPPM8R serial number 000178; * permissible working pressure - 21 bar; * strength test - 35 bar; * tightness test 21 bar; * with a hydraulic unit - for squeezing and spreading the boards.


ManufacturerKLIMOR Gdynia - Zakłady Okrętowych Urządzeń Chłodniczych i klimatyzacyjnych
Stock Number406.4