Semi-automatic closing machine "XZG-48"

Semi-automatic closing machine "XZG-48"

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Location:Siemyśl, Poland


Semi-automatic closing machine "XZG-48" It is used to close round preserves and glass jars with metal lids with rolled-up rims (e.g. Phoenix jars). Dimensions: - length - 1.135 mm; - width without a table - 600 mm; - width with a table - 800 mm; - height - 1.810 mm. Characteristics of closed packages: - maximum diameter - 220 mm; - minimum diameter - 60 mm; - maximum height - 300 mm; - minimum height - 15 mm; - maximum sheet thickness - 0.32 mm. Working cycle times: - machine closing time - 1st gear - 1.1 sec; - machine closing time - 2nd gear - 1.4 sec. Performance: - small packages (up to 100 mm in diameter) - 1,200-1,600 pcs / h; - large packages - 700-1,000 pcs / h; Technical data: - engine power - 1.1 kW; - engine revolutions - 940 rpm; - supply voltage - 3 x 380 / 220V; - net weight - 590 kg; - gross weight - 730 kg.


Stock Number108.24