5-position meat massager set - "Inject Star" Tank dimensions: - Outer diameter - 1.000 mm; - Over...
"PRESSTA" type MK-10 bowl cutter Dimensions: - Length - 870 mm; - width - 1.100 mm; - Height - 1...
"Seydelmann" Stuttgart cutter Dimensions: - length - 1,250 mm; - depth (width) - 1,300 mm; - hei...
Vacuum tumbler "VAKONA" Dimensions: - Length - 1,100 mm; - width - 1,300 mm; - Height - 1,300 mm...
"LASKA" cutter, capacity 200 l It is used to homogenize meat and other stuffing. Dimensions: - le...
"NAGEMA" 125 l cutter Dimensions: - length - 1,880 mm; - width - 1,400 mm; - height - 1,460 mm. T...
"Nagema" cutter type SM 125, capacity 125 l Stainless steel with a cast iron bowl and stuffing e...
"Karl Schnell" FD225 through-feed cutter It is used to homogenize meat stuffing and other food p...
"MKL-362" cutter, 8 knives, stainless Dimensions: - length - 3.350 mm; - width - 2.225 mm; - hei...
VEMAG Type 325 through-feed cutter It is used to homogenize meat and other stuffing food products...
K-120 AN cutter-mixer, capacity 120 l with stuffing ejector, stainless The cutter is designed fo...
Meat cutter type SM 200N "NAGEMA", capacity 200 l Dimensions: - length - 2.300 mm; - width - 3.3...