Used Vibration calibrator

Vibration calibrator

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Vibration calibrator It is used in the fruit and vegetable industry to separate fruit and vegeta...


Used Vibration-slot shaker

Vibration-slot shaker

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Vibration-slot shaker It is used in the fruit and vegetable industry for the separation of impur...


Used Pasteryzator rurowy( rura w rurze) trzy sekcyjny, nierdzewny - produkcji niemieckiej

Tube pasteurizer (tube in tube) three-section, stainless steel - made in Germany

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Tube pasteurizer (tube in tube) three-section, stainless steel - made in Germany Dimensions: - To...


Used Pasteryzator rurowy - "WPA 8"

Tube pasteurizer - "WPA 8"

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Tubular pasteurizer - "WPA 8" It is used for heating (sterilizing) purees, vegetable and fruit ...


Used Nalewarka przelewowa "CABINPLANT"

"CABINPLANT" overflow filler

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"CABINPLANT" overflow filler Dimensions: - Total length - 3,100 mm; - Total width - 900 mm; - To...


Used Zasobnik dozujący - bunkier zasypowy

Dosing hopper - charging bunker

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Dosing hopper - charging bunker Dimensions: - Length - 5,800 mm; - Width - 2,000 mm; - Height - 2...


Used Nalewarka przelewowa

Overflow pourer

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Overflow pourer Dimensions: - Length - 2,400 mm; - Width - 800 mm; - Height - 1,550 mm. Trough di...


Used Wirówka bębnowa

Drum centrifuge

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Drum centrifuge Dimensions: - Length - 1,350 mm; - Width - 1,085 mm; - Height with closed cover -...


Used Suszarnia bębnowa parowa

Steam drum dryer

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Steam drum dryer Dimensions: - Total length - 1,050 mm; - Total width - 1,150 mm; - Total height ...


Used Tenderometr


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Tenderometer Pea moisture measuring device - Overall dimensions: length - 570 mm; - Width - 790 m...


Used Urządzenie do chemicznego zdejmowania naskórka np. pomidory, ogórki itp.

Device for chemical skin removal, e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

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Device for chemical skin removal, e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Dimensions: - Length - 1,900 mm;...


Used 4-rolkowa ocieraczka do warzyw okopowych (ziemniaki, marchew, itp.)

One-chamber grater for root vegetables

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One-chamber grater for root vegetables Dimensions: - Width - 800 mm; - Height - 900 mm; - Drum di...


Used Jednokomorowa obieraczka ziemniaków, warzyw okopowych - "PROMER" Nakło

One-chamber potato and root vegetable peeler - "PROMER" Nakło

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One-chamber potato and root vegetable peeler - "PROMER" Nakło Dimensions: - Internal diameter - 4...


Used Drum cooler after blanching

Drum cooler after blanching

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Drum cooler after blanching Dimensions: - Length - 2,080 mm; - Width - 1,920 mm; - Height - 2,500...


Used Schładzalnik z przenośnikiem po blanszowaniu - nierdzewny

A cooler with a conveyor after blanching - stainless steel

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A cooler with a conveyor after blanching - stainless steel Dimensions: - Total length - 4,150 mm;...


Used Schładzalnik wodny, taśmowy „CABINPLANT”, nr fabryczny 10540-10-001

Water cooler, belt "CABINPLANT", serial number 10540-10-001

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Water cooler, belt "CABINPLANT", serial number 10540-10-001 Dimensions: - Total length - 6,550 m...


Used Blanszownik bębnowy „TEN BRINK” z wymiennikiem ciepła

"TEN BRINK" drum blancher with heat exchanger.

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"TEN BRINK" drum blancher with heat exchanger Dimensions: - Total length - 6,300 mm; - Total wid...


Used Blanszownik taśmowy "MEYN"

"MEYN" belt blancher

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"MEYN" belt blancher Dimensions: - Length - 7,800 mm; - Width - 1,770 mm; - Height - 2,750 mm. Be...


Used Blanszownik bębnowy" HERBORT" typ 98A

"HERBORT" drum blancher type 98A

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"HERBORT" drum blancher machine type 98A Dimensions: - Length - 6,900 mm; - Width - 1,950 mm; - ...


Used Chłodnica do warzyw blanszowanych - bębnowa

Blanched vegetables cooler - drum type

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Cooler for blanched vegetables - drum type Dimensions: - Length - 4,400 mm; - Width - 1,560 mm; -...


Used Drum blancher "FC 01"

Drum blancher "FC 01"

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Drum blancher "FC 01" The drum blancher is used for blanching vegetables before freezing them or ...


Used Automatic Orange Juice Machine "Juice Tree" - USA

Automatic Orange Juice Machine "Juice Tree" - USA

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Automatic orange squeezing machine "Juice Tree" - USA Technical data: - Producer - Juice Tree INC...


Used Odziarniacz kukurydzy KU Z - 2 "Pollak Sala"- nierdzewny

Corn degrain machine KU Z - 2 "Pollak Sala" - stainless

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Corn degrain machine KU Z - 2 "Pollak Sala" - stainless Dimensions: - Length: 1,000 mm; - Width: ...


Used Boiler for cooking fillings -" CKA 22"

Boiler for cooking fillings -" CKA 22"

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Kettle for cooking fillings - "CKA 22" Dimensions: - length - 1,500 mm; - width - 1,140 mm; - hei...


Used Boiler for cooking with a steam jacket, capacity 500l

Boiler for cooking with a steam jacket, capacity 500l

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Boiler for cooking with a steam jacket, capacity 500l Dimensions: - Diameter - Ø 1,400 mm; - Hei...


Used Kocioł z płaszczem grzejnym (ciśnieniowym) i mieszadłem poziomym łopatowym typu "Z"

Kocioł z płaszczem grzejnym (ciśnieniowym) i mieszadłem poziomym łopatowym typu "Z", poj. 1200 l

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Kocioł z płaszczem grzejnym (ciśnieniowym) i mieszadłem poziomym łopatowym typu "Z", poj. 1200 l...


Used Coating drum

Coating drum

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Coating drum Overall data: - depth - 1,200 mm; - width - 1,000 mm; - Height - 1,450 mm. Technica...


Used Ocieraczka bębnowa, prętowa z natryskiem

Bar drum wiper with shower

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Drum, bar-type grater Dimensions: - Length: 4,400 mm; - Width: 1,600 mm; - Height: 2,550 mm. Tech...


Used Sortownik do groszku "FEMIA" z przenośnikami taśmowymi do odbioru surowca

"FEMIA" pea sorting machine with belt conveyors for raw material collection

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"FEMIA" pea sorting machine with belt conveyors for raw material collection Dimensions: - Length...


Used Ocieraczka bębnowa

Drum peeler

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Drum peeler Dimensions: - Length: 1,450 mm; - Width: 1,000 mm; - Height: 1,360 mm. Technical data...


Used Sortownik dwubębnowy na 3 - sorty z osłoną z pleksiplasu w ramie nierdzewnej

Two-drum sorter (calibrator) for 3 - sort "SIAS MPA" with a plexiglass cover in a stainless frame

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Two-drum sorter (calibrator) for 3 - sort with a cover made of plexiglass in a stainless steel fr...


Used Sortownik bębnowy

Drum sorter

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Drum sorter Dimensions: - Length: 2.300 mm; - Width: 1.400 mm; - Height: 2,200 mm. Technical data...


Used Płuczka progowa ,wodna do owoców miękkich

Threshold water washer for soft fruit - stainless

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Threshold water washer for soft fruit - stainless Dimensions: - Length: 2,500 mm; - Width: 900 mm...


Used Separator bębnowy - prętowy

Drum separator - rod

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Drum separator - rod Dimensions: - Length: 2,150 mm; - Width: 1,200 mm; - Height: 2,220 mm. Techn...


Used Sortownik na 3 - sorty, "SIAS MPA"

Sorter (calibrator) for 3 - sort, "SIAS MPA" with a plexiglass cover in a stainless frame

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Sorter (calibrator) for 3 - sort, "SIAS MPA" Dimensions: - Width: 3,420 mm; - Depth: 1,400 mm; - ...


Used Ocieraczka do warzyw - "WOH-3"

Vegetable wiper - "WOH-3"

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Vegetable peeler - "WOH-3 Dimensions: - Length - 1,180 mm; - Width - 870 mm; - Height - 1,193 mm....


Used Rozparzacz poziomy 3 WRA 7 - "Spomasz Pleszew"

Horizontal scalding machine type 3 WRA 7 - "Spomasz Pleszew"

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Horizontal scalding machine type 3 WRA 7 - "Spomasz Pleszew" It is used in the fruit and vegetab...


Used Rozparzacz kolumnowy „Kowalskiego” , wykonany ze stali nierdzewnej

"Kowalski" column steamer, made of stainless steel

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"Kowalski" column steamer, made of stainless steel Dimensions: - Total height - 4,560 mm + 600 mm...


Used Myjka wodno-powietrzna ze stołem selekcyjnym

Air-water washer with a selection table

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Air-water washer with a selection table Dimensions: - Length - 5,900 mm; - Width - 1,700 mm; - He...


Used Soft fruit washer - "3PM-86"

Soft fruit washer - "3PM-86"

Soft fruit washer - "3 PM-86" The machine is designed for washing stone and berry fruits. Dimens...


Used Chłodnica kaskadowa wodna do blanszowanych warzyw

Water cascade cooler for blanched vegetables

Water cascade cooler for blanched vegetables With a cascade structure extending the path of coole...


Used Myjka szczotkowa do warzyw, 8-wałkowa

Vegetable brush washer, 8-roller

Vegetable brush washer, 8-roller Dimensions: - Total length - 3,200 mm; - Total width - 1,500 mm;...


Used Krajalnica do warzyw, tarczowa "Alexanderwerk"

Vegetable cutter, disc "Alexanderwerk"

Vegetable cutter, disc "Alexanderwerk" Dimensions: - Length - 900 mm; - Width - 600 mm; - Height ...


Used Pompa próżniowa wodna ze zbiornikami wody w obiegu zamkniętym

Water vacuum pump with closed-circuit water tank

Water vacuum pump with closed-circuit water tank Dimensions: - Total length - 1,600 mm; - Tank le...


Used Schładzalnik zanurzeniowy lub pasteryzator zanurzeniowy

Immersion cooler or immersion pasteurizer

Immersion cooler or immersion pasteurizer Dimensions: - Length - up to 10,000 mm; - Width - 1,20...


Used Dwuzbiornikowy zespół do ciśnieniowego oparzania naskórka warzyw korzeniowych

A two-tank unit for pressure scalding of the skin of root vegetables

A two-tank unit for pressure scalding the skin of root vegetables Dimensions: - Length - 6,200 m...


Used Taśmowa plastrownica warzyw - "HP"-11

Belt vegetable slicer - "HP" -11

Belt vegetable slicer - "HP" -11 Destiny: The slicer is designed for cutting various types of veg...


Used Mieszalnik do pektyny

Pectin mixer "IMC" 210

Pectin mixer "IMC" 210 Dimensions: - Length - 2,070 mm; - Width - 620 mm; - Height - 1,200 mm. Te...


Used Aparat próżniowy pojemność 1.500 l - "WAA" 8

Vacuum apparatus (evaporator), capacity 1,500 l - "WAA" 8

Vacuum apparatus (evaporator), capacity 1,500 l - "WAA" 8 It is used in the fruit and vegetable ...


Used Vertical sweeper "01 CAB"

Vertical sweeper "01 CAB"

Vertical sweeper "01 CAB" Intended for rubbing fruit and vegetables, except fibrous ones. Dimensi...
